Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Forms - The Forms

This is the self-titled follow up to The Forms well received debut album, Icarus. Many have commented on the their increasing similarity in style with bands like Battles, Deerhoof and Dirty Projectors and in many respects The National. These comparisons can be considered entirely justified on the hearing of this album but they are more than this. They have crafted a distinct sound which is well honed in almost all aspects. Every note and every melody seems to have gone over with a fine tooth comb to give it the highest impact in each composition.

bristles with complex, forceful arrangements that ease into subtle and delicate vocals which allow caress the senses. The band clearly have developed a style where you can get lost inside tracks for the duration and come out the other side questioning reality and where all the time has gone, which makes it sometimes very unsteady listening. Bones bounces along with piano that produces the most carefree and beautiful moment on the album. Many tracks feature indiscernible segments which drive and drift in a complex manner. Creating something which few bands could pull off in such a conclusive manner.

is the finest moment on this album, its pulled along by excellent guitar work which frees it from all the other tracks and makes it the standout in this collection. One criticism you can aim at this sophomore effort is the confusing and almost unlistenable Blue Whale which while not diverting from their usual style features guitar work which makes you question their methods slightly. But only for a mere few seconds because what they have created here is an album which is unique while being extremely accessible and has clearly been a labour of love.


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